Batch MP4 encoder for your mobile device
For many like myself, VLC is the most loved free video player / encoder as it supports a wide spectrum of formats and provides a very comprehensive list of playback options to accomodate even the weirdest, funkiest and kinkiest of video playback requirements.
However, its user interface leaves many of its loyal fans desiring some automation for encoding or transcoding multiple video files. Especially when you have a library of TV shows and movies that you want to shrink and put on your mobile device(cell phone, ipod, PDA, etc). You may try VEMoDe (an excellent tool for the job, but my phone has trouble playing its files and naming the output files is a pain). Luckily, VLC is fully configurable from the command line, which is good news for those, ie me, who won't spring for a commerical batch encoder or a so-called free one that's infested with adware/spyware and other digital disease like a cheap 5-dollar dildo in a used sex toy store. A couple hours of quick and dirty coding et voila!

- MP4 encoding (requires installation of VLC for Windows)***
- configurable: scale(or size), video rate, audio rate, frame rate
- smart numbering (extraction of numbers from original filename)
- file number formating and incrementation (ex: 001->002->...)
- zero product warranty
(***VLC may not be capable of transcoding all files it can play)