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programming, design and blahblah


AttoPlay - update v0.0.15

- more intuitive mouse behaviour
- clicking away from application closes playlist
- clicking on a song in playlist selects or plays it
- I think I finally got the lose focus bug fixed... I think
- playlist is now a toggle button
- mouse wheel changes play position when playlist is off
- mouse wheel browses songs in playlist when it's on

AttoPlay - update v0.0.14

New features:
- shortcut keys: z, x, c, v, b, p, j, q
- up / down keys in playlist
- random play, repeat

Bug fixes:
- weird mouse behaviours
- focus change when Outlook is in focus
- "jump to" search backspace behaviour


AttoPlay - a big tiny mp3 player

Just trying out a new way to do UI. It's heavily mouse-dependent, but uses both mouse and keyboard to minimize the number of clicks required to perform actions and to minimize desktop usage (occupied less than 3 pixels vertically).

Download the very beta version of AttoPlay here (for windows)

Screenshot of MP3 info dialog

- play, forward, rewind, skip, stop, pause, resume
- randomize playlist
- sort playlist by name/folder/display name/album/genre/year
- supports album arts thumbnail (if available)
- jump to / filter playlist

- follow the white arrow
- drag and drop mp3 files anywhere on the application
- mouse over, mouse click, wheel rotation: every action has a different effect
- use the keyboard to type in the name of the mp3 to jump to
- playlist also supports: ESC, Page Up, Page Down, Enter

Yet to come:
- saving to different playlists
- unicode filenames
- playlist management
- id3 editing
- persistent volume and playlist index
- genre in text instead of numbers (you'll see)
- other boring time-consuming features...

mp3s shown in screenshots courtesy of roy, thanx!


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