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programming, design and blahblah


AttoPlay - update 0.0.33

New features:
- persistent string search filter
- new mood configurator and selector
- self-retracting visible play buttons
- extended playlist and UI options

Download here

(know what? ...nevermind)


Buying vs Renting

I am going to answer this question once and for all:

Buying vs Renting, which costs less?

I've written an excel worksheet to solve the question above. What I found is that the answer is different for every case depending on:
  • the size of down payment
  • the length of amortization
  • the interest rate, inflation rate and rate of return

The way to go about it is to find the house/condo that you want to buy, then find a rental property of equal quality. After gathering all the information on mortgage and rent, enter them in the worksheet; and you'll know which method will work out better for you scenario.

Give it a try!