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programming, design and blahblah


google pages

i've just got my space on google pages. the page editor is kinda primitive and you depend mostly on the predefined templates. it's fun to use nevertheless. don't think i'll put anything serious on it tho. i think it's more for those cool grandma's and grandpa's who use the internet.

one thing tho if they incorporate that into blogger's template editor, with a drag-and-drop list of all the special tags they use, that'd be awesome.

here's my



download I did 4.93 meg
incoming folder now hosts an unfamiliar icon
mouse pointer motionless and distant

dare I not to ponder
what becomes life what this file delivers
clouds of uncertainty and concern

courage summoned I click once
like timid feline on shore touches water
the mouse pointer quickly retreats

finger casts shadow over ENTER
key pressed oh hell or new era
"welcome to mozilla firefox setup"
